Oh tis the season to be jolly and deck the halls with balls of holly and all of the fa la la la la’s are ringing through my head! Why? Well, I have been having a merry old time busying myself about preparing for Christmas my friends! With a little Christmas Wrapping here, and a little baking here, and oh some decorating here!
I thought I was almost done when I saw something darling on clearance and this girl can’t resist a deal! So I scooped it up, joined some friends, and we’re sharing our little Clearance Challenge Blog Hop with you that’s all Christmas-y and Merry! So let me tell you all about my great find.
If you know me, I’m all about the Farmhouse Style (living in an ol’ 1912 farmhouse kinda does that to a girl) and I just love me some natural woodsy gardeny goodness. So when I saw these cute little paper machet houses at Hobby Lobby on clearance, I was like, “Wow, those are so cute, and would look so darling in my cottagy home. they were only $7 and we could only spend $15. I love it when I come in way under budget!

So I thought hmm, I might paint them to make my own cute little Christmas village display, but I might not because this tan au natural simple goodness might just be the thing I was looking for to finish off my Christmas Decor this year!

Whew! That’s what really was going through my head! So I scooped em up and ran to the register (Why do I always feel a sale is something you have to hurry and capture before you miss out, hmm?)
I got them home and loved taking them apart (they were so cute all stacked inside each other like a cute Faberge egg! I walked around the ol’ farmhouse deciding on this future little Christmas village’s display place.

Ultimately, I thought in this little nook where old built in hutch is. It even has an outlet at the top of the nook so I could plug in lights and weave them in and out through the village.

I debated on fluff for a snow look, (my theme this year is “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas” for goodness sake) but now, I really think the fresh pine and cedar greenery from our yard is what I want and maybe especially because this year we got our first fake tree, so bringing in the fresh garland here and there adds to my enjoyment of the fragrance and look of what I love and miss about a real tree!

Once that was decided, I had to choose between painting these cute little houses or leave em be…
Friends, I let them be. They’re just so cute and country farmhousey left alone and then set amidst the greenery with it’s muted down brown goodness, it was just kinda perfect.

I put a strand of Christmas twinkle lights in and around them to light everything up when it’s dark so it can really shine and twinkle! I love how the different sizes of them add dimension and interest. I also love how it’s simple and brown that compliments my dishes in the hutch. Then I already had this neat wooden ribbon wreath with a touch of sparkly glitter and with these golden sparkly bottle brush trees that I already had also, they really coordinated.

Pretty cute I’d say! It smells nice, looks darling, and I love the twinkle of the lights shining and showing this cute little Christmas Village off, especially when we eat dinner here at the table next to it! What a wonderful holiday mood is created by this sweet little vignette!

What a treat we have in store for you! Please stop by my friends posts for some more Christmas Décor Inspiration! Just click on the links below!
XO Jerri


